Words Shift Our World…

We would probably agree that words hold power; the power to ignite passion, speak hope, lavish love, usher in peace, purpose, and so much more. Not only do words hold power, but how we define them and what we believe about them will shape us. The word of God informs us that words with a voice have the power of life and death, Proverbs 18:20-21. What words have you had spoken over you that impacted your life?

As I have reflected back on my own life, there were some key words that greatly formed me; some good, and some didn’t seem as much.

As a little girl, I remember words like, “pretty”, “creative”, and “funny”, but I also remember words like, “stupid”, “fat”, and “annoying”. As a teen, the negative words got even louder and began to diminish the positive ones. As a young adult, the dissonant thoughts and feelings about those words began to shape how I would show up in my world.

Fast forward many years later, my friend Dawna Hetzler, spoke the word “artist” over me. Little did she know this one unique word was part of a dream to be an artist, and it was the very word my parents spoke over me in many forms when I was younger. Now, almost 10 years later, I am showing up as that artist; a self-taught artist with a broader shaped heart to speak, draw, and write words that reflect the heart of our great God who longs to bring life to whomever will receive it.

Take a moment to reflect. Is there a particular word or words spoken to you or about you that immediately come to mind? Maybe it’s a word that stirs passion and excitement or brings hope and comfort. Or maybe a word or words that feel hard or harsh, or condemning, or evoke shame. What is the word or words that ring loudest in your ear? I encourage you to write down all the words and the feelings or thoughts about these words, and then bring them to God. Ask, “what do you want to teach me about these words?”, “are these words true?”, and “what do I actually believe about these words”. Stay open, honest and curious.

In the coming months, I look forward to sharing what I am learning about words and how they come to us and shape us and our world. Each month I will also feature a new piece of scripture art focusing on one word. Will you join me? Comment below with a simple word or emoji and your email address or email me at ask@carlaautrey.com and I will send a link to your inbox each month.

IF you would like to be included in one of the five openings for custom “word of the year” artwork discover more here.

Next month: What is Your Word for 2024?

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