
Artist, speaker, mentor, leader are simply titles spoken over me to describe what I do, but who I am is an image-bearer of the Master Creator.  I truly delight in bringing empty paper to life with the truths written in the deeper places of my soul.  As a child, it looked like swirly lines and silly characters of the familiar, but now, joy abounds as I sit with My Creator and surrender every word written and lettered, image drawn, and color chosen as He enlightens. 

Walls of a Warrior book cover
Overwelmed Conference Photo

While I’ve always been a quiet artist, the invitation to become a professional Artist came from a dear friend, Dawna Hetzler, Author of Walls of A Warrior, and Founder of Jericho Girls Ministries and the Overwhelmed Conference.  In 2014, she saw my personal scripture journaling and asked if I would create a rendering for the first Overwhelmed Conference.  I nervously said yes, prayed over the theme scripture, and did the best I could to illustrate what became my first published piece.  A year later, she then invited me to illustrate scripture Tool Box cards for the revised version of her book, Walls of A Warrior. The rest is history.

I’m continually amazed at the opportunity to create with and for others. Invitations to create, speak, lead, and mentor others has unfolded throughout most my adult life. Opportunity after opportunity came to me as I served within my church and community, and as my artwork was shared.  From scripture cards and teaching created to capture the heart of a bible passages or scriptures, renderings and talks created for conference themes and personal invitations to lead and walk with groups and individuals – every opportunity was simply and profoundly for drawing close to the heart of God with others as He was already writing stories and deeper places within the soul.  

My STORY in Short

I was born in beautiful Colorado, raised in Texas, and rejoicing to be back in Colorado some 30 years later. (No offense to my fellow Texans;).  Wife to David for 26 years, Mom to my two teen girls, Abby and Kayley, and Dog Mom to two Goldens, Maximus and Winnie.Wedding 1997

While I am all in for early mornings, a good cup of coffee, challenging hikes, long bike rides, and a yummy piece of pecan pie, my heart truly beats to live in a way that inspires others to fall in love with their Creator and live in the abundance of who they are created to be.   

My feminine heart is shaped to enjoy all the moments life gives us and to love and serve others in my community.  As a little girl, you could find me singing Jesus Loves Me from the platform of the church my dad pastored, preaching to the neighborhood children, playing in the dirt and collecting bugs, and from behind the curtain-carving my sisters name in the church pew. Today you can find me riding my bike, walking dogs, spending time with my family, creating artwork, singing with our church worship team, and walking with others along the journey of our Spirit-filled world. What an honor!

Abby and KayleyGod’s Word is my rock and guide for life; I would not be alive without it. It continues to transform my heart, holds my head high, and keeps me from taking self too seriously.   This journey of faith has partly come through personal study and completing a Bachelor of Art and Science at Dallas Baptist University in Music and Christian Ministries, but the REAL learning has come through making mistakes, pressing into a divine relationship with my Creator, and participating in life with all the truly beautiful people God has brought along the way.   

Some of my greatest joys have come with some of my deepest sorrows and those challenges are beautifully woven throughout my story; overcoming legalism within the church, the suicide of my older brother at the age of 15, parenting teens and a child with unique needs, and building a strong marriage that stood on shaky ground. Carla young and riding a bike

Today as I continue the path of living fully and abundantly, I put a stake in the ground. 2020. Despite all the challenges this year has held for me and my family, I am officially pursuing art as a business, not because I thought it would be a great idea, but because I keep saying yes to the invitation to do so.  Welcome to my continued adventure!